Automatic electronic counters

Passenger counter

Our best-selling product and the core of our business are our automatic electronic passenger counters. They use GPS satellite technology to record the entry, locking and exit of passengers in and out of the vehicle. This way, you can combat fare evasion by implementing our system. The purchase of the counters includes access to a back-office software (DFS) in which you can have real-time access to the buses, their locations, scheduled departures and can also download data to achieve operational efficiency.


  • 99% precision and accuracy
  • Satellite technology with GPS
  • Records the entry, blocking and exit of passengers in and out of the transport vehicle
  • Can record up to 2000 records per unit
  • Intricate alarm system that includes when a vehicle exceeds speed limits
  • Has a backup power source
  • Access to real-time data on a dashboard
  • Durable design with aluminum and polycarbonate hardware
  • Keep your data safe with our security level software
  • Has overvoltage protection
  • 12-24 multivoltage
  • Real-time data and analytical reports

Technical Specifications

Processor: RCM 3100

Wireless communication

Power supply: 12VDC-24VDS/110VAC-220VAC

Power backup system: 12V 1.34Ah

Current consumption: 60 HZ 300 mA nominal

Operating temperature: 0ºC – 45ºC

Humidity:: Máx. 95% (no condensation)

Weight: 1,5 kilos

Dimensions: 115 mm x 80 mm x 45 mm